The final things we are waiting on with the house are the arrival of furniture for the extra living room and having the kitchen cabinets painted. everything else is pretty much done, with the exception of us possibly painting the exterior of the house this summer, and adding shutters and a new front door.
We are eagerly anticipating the arrival of Brian and Stacie on January 27. We just adore having them around and always have fun. Best of all, we get to find out whether they are having a boy or girl since a friend of ours is coming by with her ultrasound machine while they are here! They were there when we discovered that I was pregnant with Noah and now we get to be there to see whether they need to buy some pink or blue! What could be more fitting?
Noah is doing very well. After a long adjustment period to the new house and me putting him down awake and letting him cry until he learned to fall asleep on his own (which only took a couple of tries), he now sleeps beautifully. We put him down around 9:00pm and wake him up about 7:30am. Then he sleeps an hour or so in the late morning and anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 hours in the midafternoon. So much better!! Our new pediatrician gave the first advice I got that actually worked for Noah. He is not one of those babies that sleeps 12 hours at night and naps 4 hours a day. He hardly ever sleeps the average time babies his age are supposed to sleep. And he won't likely change that. The doctor explained that, though it would be difficult for a while, we just needed to shift when he sleeps. If I let him sleep too long at night, or in his case, the "average" amount of sleep, he will not get enough daytime sleep. And he needs both. So despite what some of the experts say (like put him to bed at 6:30pm), it just doesn't work for Noah.
Suddenly, Noah is refusing to eat foods that he does not like and only wants to feed himself. The struggle toward freedom and independence has begun. Sigh. The only problem is that he can only manage certain finger foods and even then has only about 20% accuracy. He has just started refusing to eat certain things in the last couple of days. He does not like avocado, raspberries, or baby food broccoli, carrots, and cheese, in case you were wondering. He spits them out, pushes the spoon away, hits the spoon (great messes), and makes terrible faces. He loves sweet potatoes, beans, broccoli, cheese, chicken, green beans, mango, and bananas.
Still no crawling. But what this boy lacks in skill, he makes up for in sheer determination. He rolls, drags, and scoots himself around and is busy looking for trouble most of the time. Why does Mommy always pull this yummy paper out of my mouth.? I just worked really hard pulling that sock off--for the 20th time today--why is she putting it back on? Why does this swing smack me in the forehead when I push it? Babies have such interesting little lives.
Jeremy is working hard and loving his job. This is what I've been doing:
Cooking. And lots of of it! We love having friends over for dinner. Along that line, I started my recipe blog and am working on finally organizing my recipes into a cookbook instead of looking up old emails and documents on the computer!
Have a great week and enjoy kissing January good-bye! How much longer til summer??
*I have a video I've been trying to insert here but can't get it to go? Anyone else had problems since the new editor only has "insert image" but no video?
1 comment:
Ava's fave snack is paper too, drives me crazy!
I need more advice about this crying to go to sleep. Is it Ferber? and also I am concerned about it bothering my older two when they are trying to go to sleep, since they have school the next morning.
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