People ask me if I cried when I left Noah...and truthfully, no I didn't. I felt a little guilty about leaving and a little guilty that I was kind of excited to go back! Ah, the conundrums (?) of motherhood. Going back to work was like getting a little piece of myself and my normal life back. Plus, adult conversations are always lovely. :) Another reason to love having help during the week! I did miss that little guy though, and got plenty of snuggles in when I got home!
For one thing, Mamaw provided us with child care, so leaving Noah with Jeremy's mom, whom he already knows, in his own home, was not a big deal. (And we were soooo grateful! The woman is a trooper, helping with the cooking, dishes, laundry, dirty diapers, and even covered a nighttime feeding for us!) Thank you Mamaw!
On another note, check out these pictures Stacie sent me in a cool double frame. I just think this is so awesome. The top one is my mom holding me the day I was born and the bottom is me holding Noah the day he was born.