Tuesday, February 24, 2009
It's Fat Tuesday...
I noticed for the first time today that my feet looked a little swollen when I got home from work. It takes a lot I think to notice swelling because my feet are pretty skinny and bony but have been looking a little more not so bony lately. :)
Since I have been devouring baby shower cake for the last 3 days, I am celebrating Fat Tuesday with a little fat-free Lifesavers frozen sherbet and telling myself it's just as good!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
32 Weeks
Eat your heart out chocolate-covered strawberries!
My mom made this quilt. It is beautiful and I was quite surprised she made it considering I have to twist her arm to get her to hem a pair of pants!
Much love and gratitude to everyone!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day 2009
We had such a nice Valentine's this year. We didn't go out or buy gifts (except for Jeremy buying me some sweet little baby things). We stayed in and hung out together. Jeremy made banana pancakes for breakfast. Then for dinner, I made my aunt's lasagna recipe with asparagus and chocolate molten cakes for dessert. And I must say, it was to die for! No wine of course. :(
As Jeremy said, this was our last Valentine's as a couple. Next year, we will be a trio. :) Hope you all had a great one, filled with lots of red, pink, chocolate, and some love!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Silly Question
Sunday, February 8, 2009
30 Weeks
Yes, I went brunette. (My mother noticed that, and probably sighed, before she noticed anything else :) I am doing this with the intention of staying away from hair color completely for a while to save some money. We'll see if I am able to stick to it.
I had never realized how depressing the room was painted all gray, which was what the previous owners left us with. Now it is kind of like being under the ocean. Much more cheerful. We just have to do a little touch up to the paint and put up a white chair rail. Sorry the pics are hard to see much of the effect; it is such a small room, making photographing it a little hard.
Other stuff to update. At my last doctor's appointment I was measuring 28 at 29 weeks, which is fine because it can depend on the baby's position. I had only gained one pound in two weeks, probably due to the fun little stomach virus that visited me. Well, Noah thought it was fun at least. Or maybe he just wanted out! He kicked the heck out of me all day. (Jeremy does an imitation of what Noah was doing that night and it's pretty funny.) I was worried that it might hurt him somehow but the doctor said he was safe from catching the bug and probably just reacting to all the gurgling on my insides. Lovely thoughts. Thankfully, the fever stayed low. And that's how I spent my not-an-ice day last Tuesday and the real ice day on Wednesday. The next doctor's appointment is February 20.
Noah has also developed the ability to push out random body parts. They usually come out my sides but occasionally he attempts to push straight out forward, which is even more unsettling. So every now and then, I let out a little yelp and try to push him back, causing people to give me funny looks. :)
I am now working two nights a week with the new night school program, which has been interesting, or not, depending on how you look at it. But they are paying me well and it's just for this month!
I think that's about it. Have a great week!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Who Does Noah Look Like?
I am a little ticked because these pics are all slightly blurry looking to me but the printouts aren't. There are 34 total. And the technician put the videos on a VHS tape so we can't watch or post them. We didn't realize when we left that they weren't on the CD too.
Here is the foot that has been poking into my ribs all day:
He occasionally popped one eye open and looked right us:
Boy parts, if you can figure out where they are:
Rubbing his eye:
Nice shot of the hand. He is pillowing his head on the placenta on right of the pic: