Thursday, July 29, 2010

Time Out!

I don't know what happened!

Noah had his first official timeout last night. It all started with the arrival of his new toy. We ordered a Little Tikes SwingAlong Castle for him. It arrived yesterday and Jeremy put it together in the backyard. While we were in Tulsa, Noah loved playing on the one in Brian & Stacie's backyard so I decided to order the same one. He climbed into the little swing and Jeremy noticed the seat belt needed to be adjusted so we took him out. He threw the biggest stink of a fit I've ever seen him throw! Even after he got back in the swing, he was still screaming. Daddy decided he had to go back inside at that point, which was even more displeasing. By the time I got back in the house, Noah was having a screeching timeout in his bed.

Ugh. Temper tantrums are my biggest pet peeve. And he normally doesn't have serious ones. In fact, not being able to go outside is the only thing that has really provoked him to this point. I'm not sure what is up. He is still being awful today. He doesn't seem sick in any way, so all I can guess is teeth. He has also given up the wonderful aforementioned sleeping arrangement.

Short of setting up the pack and play, I'm not sure what to do for time outs. I'm afraid that when we travel, that might make him averse to sleeping in it. Anyone with a toddler have a better idea?

I'll try to get some pictures of the new toy posted soon. Hopefully, it won't continue to be a source of frustration and we'll all just enjoy it soon!


Colored With Memories said...

he's just getting closer to two!

they say the twos are terrible, but hang on...the threes are threatening!

how's that for encouragement?!? is probably just a phase. hopefully a short one at that!

i just usually had my girls do timeouts in a chair...whatever chair was near enough that i could hear them, but isolated enough that they felt punished.

Jon Wendy and Madison said...

A chair in the corner is what i would recommend just far enough isolated that you can see him and he can't see you