Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Gray at 5 Months

Our little monkey weighs in at about 18 pounds and has slowed a bit on the growth chart.  :)

He is rolling from tummy to back (creating nighttime havoc!) and waking up at all hours of the night.  It's lucky he's so cute.  Gray is also recovering from his second ear infection in the right ear.  You only need 4 ear infections in one year to qualify for ear tubes these days, by the way.  He is "tripoding" quite well and I think we'll have a sitter on our hands soon.  He is already attempting to get into everything, but alas, immobility is not in his favor.  I think I'll have my work cut out for me when this guy gets moving. :)

When I sing to him (especially "Green Alligators") he stops crying, pulls back to see my face, and laughs.  I'm sure I would laugh too.

Here are pics of Gray having his first round of baby oatmeal.  I think we're going to have a good eater on our hands!

Photos by Kelly Korkmas, who happened to be visiting us on this evening!

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