Our boy is growing like a weed. Or maybe more like a large tree. :) As of yesterday, he is 16 pounds and moving into 6 month sizes. We're about to move into size 3 Pampers Swaddlers as well. He is sleeping better, most nights only getting me up once or twice a night. We're still struggling with spending at least an hour every night trying to get him to fall asleep and stay asleep. Evenings are hard for this guy. He tends to be fussy, tired, and really hard to get down. Sometimes, I just put him in the Ergo or K'tan (baby carriers) and bounce him around until he falls asleep. He loves babywearing! And so do I. I'll be sad when he's too heavy for it! The rest of the day he's normally pretty happy, easygoing guy who has learned the value of just hanging out. :) Gray loves playing with Daddy and being held by Mommy. And he thinks Noah is a pretty cool dude.
Gray does great when he and I go grocery shopping. He hangs out in the carrier, just looking around for a while, then passes out for a nice little nap. I love it when he laughs in his sleep. I also love that he smiles with his whole body and has a well-defined dimple in his left cheek, with another slight one on the right. His eyes are still bright blue most of the time, but occasionally look a little grey, depending on the light. He has some blond fuzz on his head and still a little of the darker newborn hair that hasn't fallen out yet.
We're also still struggling with the food allergy. I have been off of dairy and soy for the last month but he continues to have issues with reflux, diaper rash, blood in his stool, and a rash on his face. At his follow-up appointment we were referred to a gastroenterologist and Mommy has been trying (mostly in vain and fury) to collect poop from his diapers to send off to the lab. The diet restrictions are tricky...and are about to get worse! I have a hard time finding things to eat at restaurants since many places do not post allergen info. I have a new respect for those with food allergies and all the label reading they do! I am pleased to have found out how cool Natural Grocers is, even if it adds an extra grocery shopping trip to my week!
Gray still mostly detests his car seat. :)
Okay, now I feel like I have recorded, for posterity, all those little things you quickly forget!
Noah built gray his very own tent. |
Loves having his diapers changed. |
Loves bath time...(and watching himself in the mirror) |
....but HATES getting out! |
Hanging out in Noah's "clubhouse" with Papa. |