Tomorrow the high is 73 and the low is 49. Sure beats the 100s my dear ones in Texas are already dealing with! Although, I will admit it has been in the low to mid 80s the last several days...I'll take it. I'm pretty sure the weather and lack of traffic jams and smog are the only things I feel like bragging about West Va. anymore. And I was telling someone yesterday that the beauty here would not stop me from returning quickly to the less than attractive Dallas area!
We had a great weekend. Jeremy's parents got us a new grill for our anniversary and we tested it out by serving burgers to some friends Saturday night. I tried some new recipes this weekend that I need to get posted! I made blueberry muffins from scratch (my first), the hamburger and turkey burgers, and Mexican Ice Cream. Sunday, we ate breakfast and hit the Greenbrier River trail with Noah. We even saw two snakes! Here I am out on the rock:

The week before last, Noah was sick and having ear infections. I'm still not convinced he has gotten rid of them, but we have an appointment with his doctor Wednesday to see where things stand. Then, last week, my allergies (or maybe Noah's cold bug) attacked me and my ears got infected. They still haven't opened back up. I can definitely sympathize with the little ones. Being awake all night with that pain ain't easy! So, I am more than excited for my family to get here in a week and a half! Jeremy and I plan on a night to ourselves at the Homestead on our way back from Williamsburg.
Sorry about the blurriness but these are too funny. I posed him in the recliner Brian & Stacie got him for his birthday.

The progress in my garden. Something ate half the broccoli crop but my squash and zucchini are flowering out. I planted my surviving jalapeno and bell pepper seedlings today. It will be a surprise when they sprout as to which is which.

Here is the mystery I discovered today in the garden. Does anyone know what this is?? It looks fungal and has a sort of gooshy scrambled egg consistency inside. No odor.

Gonna be a long week so I will be looking for lots of stuff to keep Noah and I busy. His babysitter is vacationing in Nags Head this week and I think I might be jealous! Have a great week...