Wow, things are getting super busy! I cannot believe December is here. Somehow I am still stuck at Halloween. Let's see, Noah recently got over his third illness in a month. Yes, that's THIRD. In a month. He had some type of viral thing with high fever and sore throat. We are so weary of sickness. When the third bug came along, we all became concerned (and Mommy flat out worried) so we were sent for xrays, blood draw, urine collection, strep test, the works! And, by the 5 day maximum the doctor gave us (5 days of fever lands you in the hospital), the fever ended. He is still battling a mild cough, but finally feeling better and not overtired from being sick and our Thanksgiving travels. This makes for a much happier boy and a happier mama!
Now, I have most of the shopping completed, the decorating started, Christmas cards ready to go as soon as I get my address list back, a house to clean, and tons of baking to do! :) We are hosting a Christmas party next weekend and asking the guests to donate to a local Christ-centered teen moms program. This party is a tradition I want to keep going every year. Anyway, I may need to call in reinforcements for the food prep! Getting a little nervous...
Thought I would share this neat prayer calendar a friend sent to me. It has 31 biblical virtues to pray into your child by day:

Happy Advent! Hoping to go out and buy some things that I can use to teach Noah about Advent throughout the month! I bought him his own Christmas tree yesterday and put it up in his room, complete with new ornaments: Thomas the Train, an airplane, and a light-up snowman with his name on it. Now, if I can just convince him to leave them on the tree....

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