- Weight- 11 lbs, 10 oz (50%)
- Height- 21.75 in (10-25%)
- Head- 15.5 (25-50%)
Dr. Badaracco was impressed by him holding up his head and remarked about how active he is. She also commented that he is trying to crawl already! I think we're in trouble...
He also received an oral Rotavirus vaccine, DTaP, Hib, Prevnar, and Polio vaccines. I don't even know what all of those things are but he really hated it. I've never seen him turn so red. He fell asleep for about 3 hours then woke up screaming inconsolably. I couldn't get him to stop crying or to eat so I called Daddy and sobbed, "Come home now!" Telling me that he might be fussy this afternoon was not enough of a warning.
I have been doing a little celebrating lately. To celebrate turning 2 months old, Noah has had two long stretches of sleep in the night. He has gone exactly 6 hours between two of his night feedings! Yahoo! Now if we can just get the times adjusted so that he has this stretch a little later in the night, rather than 6:30pm to 12:30am. This is also why I am so excited about him hitting 11 pounds because I have been told babies need to be at least 11 or 12 pounds before they can skip a feeding a night. Here's to progress and Noah sleeping those awesome 12 hour stretches I've heard about!!
He is such a sweet little guy and we have been enjoying his budding personality. We get lots of smiles, coos, "talking", and I'm sure he'll be laughing out loud very soon. He loves his bath (even though he pees in the water everytime!) but gets soooo mad when we take him out and he gets cold. He is never still when awake and is ready to be on the go. He only tolerates being strapped in the car seat for about the first 15 minutes, although he enjoys our morning walks to the park in the stroller. Noah still maintains a love affair with the baby swing. Everyone remarks about how strong he is and how well he holds up his head. Last week, Noah went to church for the first time (but not the nursery yet!) and did really well, even with the loud music. It is so cute how attentive he is to mine and Jeremy's voices.
Noah's dad is becoming quite busy at work (in good ways) and grandmothers have been visiting to help out and keep the Mommy company. Feel free to come hang out with us; I tend to get a little stir-crazy! ;)

Oh my gosh, he's getting so stinkin' cute!!! I love, love, love his new pics! ;)
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