Here's my thoughts. I think there are some helpful ideas in there. Noah actually adapted very well to the schedule. And I never actually starved him, but I don't offer him food everytime he cries. The book does not advocate starving children. But I was not OK with letting him cry it out as a newborn. Although, now at 2-and-a-half months, it is tempting. :) The main problem I found with the book was the grand promises followed by the guilt when your baby doesn't achieve those promises or won't follow the guidelines exactly. It's hard enough to feel confident as a new parent, without the added guilt and expectations. My consensus on the book: take what is useful and toss the rest.
He is sleeping some better at night, sometimes going as long as 6 hours after his bedtime feeding. Some nights bedtime has been 6:30 lately though! He just gets so irate in the evenings these days. My sweet-temperament boy has turned into a bit of a fussbudget (however you spell that non-word). I read somewhere that fussiness should peak around 6 weeks and his definitely picked up around 10 weeks. Also, naptime is kind of a battle. Once I finally get him to sleep in his crib, he typically only sleeps between 30 and 45 minutes, just like clockwork, although he is perfectly capable of making it 2 hours in the baby swing. I hope that as he gets older, he will be able to do it? I am going to make it to at least 12 weeks exclusively breastfeeding and then think I will start supplementing and getting him used to formula. Breastfeeding issues are a whole nother blog!
Nobody really warned me how challenging an infant could be and I don't think I started to get wind of it until the last month of my pregnancy when the anxiety began to set in! Of course, when you are in "baby mode" I don't think you ever really hear anything other than lullabies and happy baby coos. :)
Here are some of the latest pictures and a video.
Trying out his Bumbo for the first time! Jeremy & I cracked up. He is so funny in it.