We went in for our "Sequential Screening" today and found out some big news! IT'S A BOY!! Apparently there is no external genitalia yet but there is some sort of marker that indicates what is to come. The technician said not to go shopping but that it's normally very accurate. The doctor said the same thing and sounded confident. But of course, I knew it already :) The purpose of the test (can't remember what the heck the medical term is? occlumency? no, that's harry potter.) is to check for Down's Syndrome, open neural tube defects, etc. The doctor said that everything measured normally. The really cool part was getting a 4-D ultrasound. The tech even made some short little video clips and burned them for us.
The 4-D pictures made him look a little alien-like so here is a regular picture.

Isn't he the cutest?? A little over 5 centimeters long now.
Peace out from the Barclay's.
Let's hear some names :-) CONGRATULATIONS!!
Yea!!! Jake will be so excited to have another boy cousin. I love the video. We never got the 4D kind, but that is adorable!
How cool and exciting!
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