Jeremy and I took off for a lovely little trip to Marco Island, Florida on March 21-24. We were so thankful for a little time together before Baby Gray gets here. And you know that the Barclays just can't stay away from the beach, so we knew that south Florida might be our best bet, travel-wise. (I was too chicken to take my pregnant self back to Anguilla, or we totally would have!) I have a friend on Facebook who recommended this place, even though she won't visit herself until later this month, and, boy, did it pay off! (Thanks, Jerica!) We loved it! We stayed at the Marriott resort and I would love to take our boys back there when Gray gets older. So fun, beautiful, and family-friendly. Southwest Florida beaches rock.
The view from our balcony. Gorgeous, warm pool, white sand, and green-blue water. |
Our lovely room. |
Full of Northerners on spring break. The South end. |
The North End. And some people I don't know. |
Feet on the beach make the best shots. And I wanted to include a peek at Gray. |
So pretty. |
Marco Island 2013. Somebody saved me the work of bending down to write in the sand. :) |
The Mother of all Breakfast Buffets. I salivate at the memory. |
They have some lovely sunsets on that west coast. |
This was a chocolate peanut butter mousse cake that was to.die.for. Quinn's by the Sea. We had it 2 nights in a row. |
Back-lit menus at Kurrents. |
30 weeks on Saturday. Perfect. |
I could not get over how many shells there were! I don't recommend walking on them barefoot, however. |
We loved everything about it. Pricey, but a really fantastic splurge. My husband spoils me. :) The food was great, Jeremy enjoyed the drinks ;), and the customer service was fantastic. (It is one of my pet peeves when businesses do not appreciate their customers and act as though they are bothersome, which has become somewhat common to our culture.) Everyone was so friendly and not bothered by any questions or requests.
Thank you to my parents for spending the weekend with Noah. He cried when he realized they were gone. Several times. And kept saying, "Where are Mimi and Papa? I want them back!" First case of serious grandparent withdrawal. Also thank you to Mrs. Sam, who took great care of Noah on Thursday for us. Obviously, fun was had by all.
Noah's first sleepover with friends!