This is what happens when you get so far behind...this Christmas post pretty much covers the month of December. :)
First, a cute pic of Noah and his buddies riding their bikes.

The first weekend in December, my parents came down for the weekend and had lots of fun with Noah. Especially playing in the tunnel!

We went to the Cedar Park tree lighting, where the oldest tree in town, a huge, 400-year-old, beautiful live oak gets all blinged out.

Next up was the Christmas party at my house the following weekend. Here are a couple shots of what Kelly and I baked up. Sugar cookies and Brownie-dipped Oreos.

This year, there were many gifts to be wrapped, as usual. Even Jeremy wrapped some gifts. Just mine though. And only because I said that I would like that. ;)
One of my gifts was the Twilight series in hardback. He thought this would be cute.
I added a second tree to the house this year. One for Noah's room! Here it is, though not pictured in his room. His favorites this year were a train, two airplanes, and a Thomas the Train ornament.
My tree in the living room, as mostly decorated by my mom.
Christmas morning! Oh no wait...this was December 23. We opened our gifts early, since we were bound for Paris and Fort Smith this year. Trains were definitely the big hit this year, and I feel like we probably acquired about 25 new ones.

He got to play with his new train track for a little while, then we headed to Mimi & Papa's house.
Showing off his guitar skills.

Stopping to return a few calls.

His new John Deere hat from my cousin Kent and his family.
On Christmas Eve, we headed to Mamaw and Papaw's house, to be joined by Aunt Mandi, Dominick, and Sophia, whom we hadn't seen since they moved to Illinois last summer. Noah had such fun with everyone, despite coming down with another fever and cold on Christmas Eve. I am sad that we did not take any pictures there other than a couple Jeremy snapped with his phone, over at his grandparents' house. I guess it was just a hectic few days with a sick child, not enough sleep, and a lot going on. We did manage to have a birthday party for Jesus on Christmas night, which I hope to put a lot more planning into next year!
Noah loved playing piano at GG and Dubby's house.

We broke up the 7 hour drive by stopping to spend the night at my parents' house on the way there, then on the way back as well. The second trip, we were able to celebrate with Scott & Madison too.

Noah playing with his new Little People nativity set we got this year. I tried to give him one new piece per day to add to it, as a little advent activity, hopefully he'll be able to understand it better next year.

Hope all of your Christmas holidays were filled with tidings of comfort and joy from the Savior!