Okay, so it's not really "hoof & mouth" (which I think might be a cow disease?) but it is "hand, foot, & mouth disease."
Ever heard of it? It's a tricky one. First of all, it incubates for 3-7 days before symptoms arrive on the scene and they can spread the virus during this time, not knowing that they have it. Last Wednesday morning, about 15 minutes before we were due to leave for Kindermusik , Noah became very fussy and I decided we'd better skip since he just didn't seem well. Good thing for those kids! He ended up passing out on my bed mid-morning (never happens!) and woke with a 102 fever. Two days later, after ups and downs of fever, a trip to the pediatrician who found ulcers in his throat, he broke out with this on his mouth and backside. I will spare you the pic of his bottom, suffice it to say, it is a bit gross. Nothing really on his hands and feet though. 7 to 10 days of contagion! Enough to drive us both crazy with boredom since we need to avoid other children and mostly stay home. Generally, adults do not catch this or do not show symptoms if they do. So glad my little boo is getting better now.
Sadly, we shared the bug with Noah's best buddy Adam, so the two boys are toughing it out together today while I'm at work. Noah's blisters are almost gone but poor Adam is just getting started. Beware!