Friday, September 30, 2011
Grandparent Day
September 30th was my Grandma's birthday, and it was also the day we laid her to rest six years ago. She died just a couple of months after her sister, my great-aunt "Dopey", who might as well have been a grandparent too. From time to time, these ladies come to my mind, and I think of all the questions I would like ask them now, in my somewhat more mature state. Whenever they wander into my mind, I imagine that they must be praying for me at that moment. :) I know they did their fair share of that on earth and I am always thankful for it. They gave me my first church experiences. My aunt visited my Sunday school teacher at work to pray in joy after I first believed. I think about how many hours they lovingly and selflessly cared for their silly, rambunctious bunch of grandkids. I immensely wish I would have spent more time as an adult getting to know them better. They loved us all equally and sacrificially. They loved us just as we were. I am forever grateful. My Grandpa on my dad's side passed when I was about two years old and unfortunately I have no memories of him.
This day is also the one year anniversary of my Pop's passing. He left us just a couple of months after my grandmother, his wife, Nanna passed. His mission was over. So this day ends up bringing all of them to mind. They all had their strengths, as well as weaknesses, and all had such an impact on my life. I eagerly look forward to seeing them again one day!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
This & That

Fall is a busy time for families, and I am definitely feeling it for the first time this year. Between my random work schedule, Noah going to the sitter on Fridays (plus other days that I might work), Kindermusik, our MC group, occasional playdates, I am considering taking on some other activities as well. I have offered to help co-lead the Moms group I attend with other ladies from church and am praying about working with Young Lives, as a mentor, or some sort of assistance, ministering to teen moms and their kiddos in the area. And, I am trying to coordinate with another mom from church, a more "seasoned" lady :), to begin mentoring me. Sometimes I end up biting off more than I can chew, so we will see how God lays all of this out!
I am excited for October to arrive and usher in some cool breezes and see how the Lord will use us and direct our steps!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
All Aboard!
This $4.99 Thomas whistle was the MVP of the evening.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Nose to the Grindstone
So last night, Noah and I head off to our new "missional community group", also known as "life groups" or "home groups" by other churches. Our church is really focused on living life together and living on mission. I guess the Lord brought a little of the blood and guts of living together to last night's gathering, so to speak.
Anyway, this was the second meeting we had attended (Jeremy was working late last night and not able to come). The leaders put on a cookout in their front yard. This was great, except for trying to keep Noah away from the street. Toward the end of the evening, Noah is chasing some other kids around the yard and I turn to look at someone for about 3 seconds. When I look back, he is standing at the street corner calmly observing the SUV turning the corner right in front of him. I yell his name in my very best panicked mama voice, rush over, and lead him by the hand back into the driveway, deciding that it is time to go home. Already apprehensive about going by myself to a front yard cookout, I fed Noah and myself in advance, knowing I would not be able to take my eyes off him to worry about food.
So I lean over to pick Noah up and he jumps up at the same time, ramming his head into my nose. I hear my nose "pop" and blood comes gushing out, the likes of which I have never seen from my own body. Noah starts to whine about bumping his head and I think, "Oh no, kid. You are not going to complain about this one when you just broke your mother's nose!" I drag him by the hand over to our group leader, say her name, and she says, "Oh!" when she sees me and leads me into the house. As I pass, people are saying "Oh my gosh." I drip blood everywhere, while trying to corral my two-year-old, who refuses to leave my side and go play with the teenage babysitters. And all the while, my husband is texting and calling me, trying to properly assess the situation and determine whether its logical for him to come pick up Noah or not. My text stating "Come get Noah now, I think he just broke my nose" was not evidence enough, mind you. Ha! I can laugh now. Christy was extremely gracious helping me mop up, filling me with ibuprofen, and insisting I take one of her holey dishrags home with me to bleed on, giving me a "mom" hug, and walking us to the car. Noah and I made it home safely and I managed to dry up the tears and bloodshed at about the same time. :)
I am thankful and relieved to report no swelling or bruising, and though my nose is still a bit sore, I do not think it was broken! Most of all, I am thankful for God's protection of Noah, besides my nose!
In other news, I think my Canon Powershot, right at 3 years old, is officially down and out. I think I have a few pictures and videos that I need to download from the memory card before I toss the camera. We never got a good case for it, and I think my tossing it in my purse with Noah's milk cup and whatever else that lives in that hole has been its downfall. Boo. While I do want a new camera, with a real zoom lens, I do not really want to pay what one of those costs right now. Any recommendations?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Beauty for Ashes
for the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted
and to proclaim that captives will be released
and prisoners will be freed.
2 He has sent me to tell those who mourn
that the time of the Lord’s favor has come,
and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies.
3 To all who mourn in Israel,
he will give a crown of beauty for ashes,
a joyous blessing instead of mourning,
festive praise instead of despair.
In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks
that the Lord has planted for his own glory.
Pictures that Samantha took on Friday of Noah and his sweet buddy, Adam.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!
I dropped Noah off at Samantha's house this morning with his cool, new Thomas the Train backpack in tow! He was so excited about it. We went to Target yesterday and I held up the Thomas backpack side by side with an Elmo backpack and he immediately chose Thomas. It even has wheels, so he had fun pulling it around yesterday. We are taking Noah to Burnet next weekend to ride Thomas on the Austin Steam Train and I'm excited about that for him.

That being said, it is a trade off. Sometimes you have to make concessions. And while we just lived through the hottest, driest summer on record in Austin, I still wouldn't trade it. I love it here. We love it here. We have a great church and are starting to get plugged in, finally. I am making some really neat friends. Jeremy loves his hospital, boss, and co-workers. Our friends from DFW, Ross & Kelly, and their newbie, Madison, are moving here soon so that Ross can work with Jeremy again. God is always good, but life is really good right now as well. I know the day will come when we are called to move on again, all in God's time, but for now, I am content, and pleading to stay put for a long time!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Summer 2011 in Review
We have been busy, but that's no excuse. I worked a good bit. We had some fun trips. Noah has learned and grown so much.
When the heat is this ridiculous, who cares if your clothes get a little wet.
It starts like this...
And goes to this...
And ends up here!
Lots of bubbles were blown. Noah has learned to blow them himself...and is sometimes successful about it.
There was some homemade ice cream, of course.
Swimming at the neighborhood pool.
Lots of jumping.
"Kick, kick, kick!" I am so proud of Noah. When he finally revisited a swimming pool at the end of March this year, he cried and wanted nothing to do with getting it. He now LOVES the water, and is quite a daring, if not proficient, little swimmer.
Mmmm...popsicles on the back porch. Though not pictured here, my mom sent us a Zoku Quick Pop Maker and I made yummy, yet nutritious, popsicles for Noah this summer. :)
And Mimi gave him a DumDum too. His first actual candy. Also known as "yumyums," these handy little dandies are now a regular distractor for Noah's haircuts. They are quite popular. ;)
Eventually, the water hose became far more entertaining than the actual wading pools.
And then there was all the watermelon. I will surely have a vine spring up next year along my fence where I have thrown out rind after rind this summer.
Noah's first snow cone, eaten at the park by our house. Of course, he dumped it all down his front. Oddly enough, he loves sweet things, just not when they are cold. Ice cream, etc. is not a huge deal to him, which is a very odd concept for me.
The first 2 weeks in August, we did swimming lessons through the city of Cedar Park. They were a bit of a joke. I mean, would you want to be still and patient, kicking at the floating toys and blowing bubbles when this wonderland was just behind you?
He climbed up by himself and went down the slide, over and over and...
Showing off his skills. He likes walking around the pool with water up to his chin and does NOT want any help...until he starts floating away and inhales a big gulp. :)