Random pic of Papa and Noah playing remote-controlled car on the back porch of the house we rented. Sorry, there are a couple of random pics throughout and its just too laborious for me to rearrange them into the correct order.
This tree outside the Alamo is awesome. It was transplanted here, at the age of 40, in 1912.
The Alamo. You haven't aged a bit.
Saturday afternoon, we all ventured out to Sea World. I got a one year pass with free parking and Jeremy got a Fun Card for 2011. Noah is free. Glad we did this because Noah LOVED it and I can't wait to take him back.
Here we are at Dolphin Discovery, feeding the dolphins. $6 for 4 sardines has never been so priceless. Noah went from angry, tired, hot boy to absolutely delighted when he saw them.
Growing up, I dreamed of being a dolphin trainer. Then I met Chemistry 101. Maybe Noah will share this dream and I can live vicariously through him.
Saying bye-bye to the "poppins", as he sort of calls them.
We then were being roasted alive, so we headed for the water park and found a great place for Noah to splash, the Lil' Gators pool.
Yes, we were hot enough to sit down in the toddler pool (AKA peepee pool). Feel sorry for my parents, who were very fully clothed.
The Shamu "Believe" show. Noah loved it and yelled "Wooo!" everytime the whales jumped. (This show was much cooler when the trainers actually got in the water, mind you.) He sat almost completely still and watched everything. It melted my heart to see him so thoroughly enjoying this.
After this, we called it a day and headed home with my heat-stroked mother in tow. It was still great fun, despite the heat. Thinking September or October will be great! :)
Monday morning, my dad, brother, and myself took Madison and Noah to the San Antonio Zoo.
Taking in the sights. Noah most loved the train, I think. He has become a bit of a train fanatic these days.
Random pic. Reading "The Goodnight Train" with Mimi. Best bedtime story. Ever.
Madi and Noah eating lunch and watching a DVD together.
Another random. We headed back to Sea World (minus Mimi) on Monday afternoon and Noah just had to have a souvenir. Well, maybe his mom just had to get it for him.
A little spaghetti dinner.
Back on track. Sea World, Monday afternoon.
Madison beckoning Noah to join her in the Sesame Street Bay of Play, a glorified spray park. He was having no part of it.
Ah, much more his speed. We finally found an "under 3" section. However, it meant Madi was not allowed to play with him, so she was a little sad.
Watching the Azul show. Beluga whales, porpoises, and acrobatics. Noah loved this show even more.
On Tuesday, we were all supposed to journey to Utopia to visit my great-Aunt Elaine at her ranch. However, I didn't realize quite how much car time would be involved, and Noah was completely exhausted by this point (he got up at 4:45! one morning and would not go back to sleep, plus naps were not good), so I sent him home with Jeremy and the rest of us journeyed on.
The place where time stands still. A little bit at least.
So beautiful. I am enchanted by this place.
Sweet Elaine. So good of her to entertain us. She is fit as a fiddle and sharp as a tack.
I came home and told Jeremy that one day I want to have a ranch in the Hill Country too. And we can keep animals there and just have someone tend them for us, while we visit on weekends. He thinks that is a jolly good idea. ;) However, I also want a beach house, so we'll see what wins out!
We all had such a fun time, despite the weary Barclays. Thanks Mimi and Papa! Next year, maybe Padre Island? :)