Sunday, February 28, 2010
First Sketti Pictures
Friday, February 26, 2010
Just Some Fun Stuff
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The Bar-Nutts Do West Virginia
Ah, yes. Anytime we have guests, we make a trip out to the Greenbrier.
The most exciting part! Our friend Paula came over with her ultrasound machine. Right in our living room, Brian and Stacie found out they are having a....
GIRL!!!!! We could not believe it! Brian is the only one who thought this baby was a girl. Rylie Sophia Nutt is due around the first of July and we cannot wait to meet her!
On Friday, we hit the slopes at Winterplace Ski Resort, only about an hour away. Actually, we hit the snowtubing slopes.
Taking a little break. I know there were more pictures of Stacie and I out there. It ended up being a bit adventurous for me. Stacie and I were sitting on our tubes waiting for the boys to come down again (in the position above) and some woman came flying down her lane headed staight for me. I jumped off my tube at the last second and she crashed into it, sending my tub flying over the embankment that is very high and roped off only by the fence you see there in the picture. A kid crawled down and got my tube. This incident I laughed about. As we were leaving the tubing lanes, some guy barreled right into me and I went down, like a bowling pin, feet over head, head smacks on ground. Other than a headache (and my tailbone which still feels sore sometimes!) I escaped the snowtubing adventure in one piece. No one else had any difficulty. :)
We left our house at 7:00am on Saturday to take Brian & Stacie back to the airport in Roanoke only to discover that we had a snowstorm on our hands and the entire airport was shut down. Their flight was delayed until after 5:00pm Sunday, which meant a late night for them getting back to Tulsa. Jeremy and I planned to stay the night in roanoke anyway, and do a little shopping, however, the mall was closed too! We got hotel rooms and made the best of it!
All in all, we had a great time together! We tested out the hot tub (sure hurts when you get out!), Stacie caught up on her rest (Rylie really wears her out!) and everybody had fun with Noah of course. Can't wait to see them again this summer, when Miss Rylie makes her grand entrance into the Nutt House. Love you guys!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Deadly Icicles and Other Snowy Adventures
Here is what happens when you leave your truck parked by the road and the snow plow comes along. Can you see it? This happened weeks ago and they still haven't gotten it out.
I think the full-length icicles on this house are divine.
Here is a particularly deadly dagger hanging above our back door. The pic really doesn't do it justice. Jeremy insisted that these icicles were going to fall and maim someone, and proceeded outdoors to knock them down. My mop is now frozen on the roof of the house. Guess I won't have to use it until this summer, right?
Monday, February 15, 2010
10 Month Portraits

Sunday, February 14, 2010
10 Months Old
His feet got stuck in this position and he had to cry for a little help getting down from Mommy.
He is a pretty good sleeper now. So long as we avoid the dreaded cold viruses, he generally sleeps all night without a problem and naps well.
Motherhood has been fun lately! Minus the cold bugs and snowstorms, we try to get out everyday to visit the gym, run errands, go to the babysitter, etc. Noah did great in the child care at the gym. I am planning to start Kindermusik, if we ever stop having snow on class days! As much as this kid loves music, it ought to be fun.
And there was this monumental event: the first haircut! He did very well, with some help from a toy and his Baby Mum Mum crackers.
Just in time for a little trip to Portrait Innovations!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I Was Awarded

Lo and behold, I was making the rounds through my favorite blogs today, and found this lovely award from not one, but TWO of my dear blogger pals, Alli and T-Flo. :) You are supposed to write 7 things about yourself. One of my friends had 7 little known facts and the other just had general things, so I'll go with a combo of the two maybe. Here goes.
1. My darling husband and I met, became engaged 6 months later, and married after only 11 months of knowing one another. We met on e-harmony. I knew he was the one after I learned that we shared the same birthday and he was exactly 3 years older than me. My parents share the same birthday and my dad is exactly 3 years older than my mom. Jeremy is the lid to my pot. And the black on my kettle. Or something like that.
2. My beautiful son Noah's middle name is Timothy. We debated for most of my pregnancy about the middle name because I just couldn't settle on anything and decided at the last minute that he should be named after my dad. It just felt like what I was supposed to do. And there is no more honorable man in the world. His first name is Noah because that is what God told me his name would be, back before I met Jeremy. We really have much less control over destiny than we imagine. :)
3. I have a heavenly Father who is infinitely huge, eternal, gracious, loving, and glorious. I miss The Village Church terribly. I'm afraid I have become a bit of a Calvinist in my spiritual ideology. How smart does that sound? :)
4. I have been abundantly blessed and have made it my mission to bless as many people as I can touch. I know there is purpose in God bringing us to "West-freakin' Virginia" as we fondly call it.
5. I got my bachelor's in social work at Hardin-Simmons University, the place where I found myself. (And also found my Soul Sista, Carolee. OMG, I miss you!) Then I immediately went and got my master's in social work at The University of Oklahoma (Boomer Sooner!) and fell into the world of foster care. That three years of social workin' the Okies nearly did me in. My most recent social work gig was as a casemanager to parenting teenagers in Lewisville ISD. I am not sure where or when social work might take me again. For now, I am enjoying my time at home with Noah and am very happy to be able to say that! Truth be told, I'd like to write a book. Easier said than done. Social Work Forever, Carolee!
6. I grew up in Paris, TX. Some people think that is a bad thing, including me at 18. Paris feels homey and comforting to me now when I visit. It's only bad if you don't get out, at least for a while. That place can be a black hole of sorts. My parents still live in the house they brought me home from the hospital to. There is something to be said for stability in a child's life and there is something to be said about fear of change. I have moved 11 times in the last 10 years, I believe. :)
7. My girls are the best! Once I have a close friend, I feel that our hearts are eternally bonded, despite where my moving van may take me. :) Even if I am horrible about calling people. (I, too, despise the phone, T.) There is Kristi, who has been my dear friend since diapers, literally! (If you are reading this, I'm sorry it's been so long! Call me!) Jessica, BFF since 4th grade! One of the few people who really gets me and tells me that it's okay anyway! And I am very blessed to have found Khristina and my other "Housewives of Greenbrier County" out here in WV.
OK, I am passing this award to Sarah, Carolee, Stacie, Wendy, Kerry, Natalie, and Lisa! Go Girls!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
A Snowy, Snowy Weekend
Anywho, we expected to have a draggy, boring weekend last week because of the mass of snow. Quite the opposite! Saturday, we mostly just hung out, and did a little housework. Jeremy and I watched a movie while Noah took a nice, long afternoon nap. So nice to just snuggle up on the couch together and relax. :)
Sunday, we did not make another church attempt but will get back at it soon. Instead we had a little pancake breakfast and then headed over to Diane and Carlton's house for lunch with everyone. We had some great chili and a blast sledding down their driveway. Noah even got in on the fun!
That night, Diane, Carlton, Rob, and Khristina came over for a little Superbowl gathering. We had lots of good food but I didn't take any pictures. I was a little concerned that Noah might have his first ear infection but he woke up very cheerfully on Monday morning and seems to be doing okay. These darn colds just take forever to go away with babies!! I will officially swear by Zicam! I think I started getting his cold so I began taking the Zicam religiously and I assure you that it was a quick and pretty mild cold for me. That's my plug.
Enjoying his first pancake. Healthy recipe with blueberries. :)