Sunday, January 31, 2010
Snow Play
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Noah's First Playdate
Here is the first meeting. Noah was excited and wanted to touch Elijah.
Look, Mom!
Elijah checking out Noah's mouth.
And my camera.
In fact, it was all fun and games until Elijah decided to speak. He let out some yells and Noah was absolutely terrified. I mean, sad face, need my mommy, big crocodile tears, scared. He is so rarely is scared by anything (other than his Cowboys football and really loud noises) that I was surprised. And he loves other kids. I don't know what happened. Other than that, we had a great time!
Monday, January 25, 2010
What's the Story, Morning Glory?
The final things we are waiting on with the house are the arrival of furniture for the extra living room and having the kitchen cabinets painted. everything else is pretty much done, with the exception of us possibly painting the exterior of the house this summer, and adding shutters and a new front door.
We are eagerly anticipating the arrival of Brian and Stacie on January 27. We just adore having them around and always have fun. Best of all, we get to find out whether they are having a boy or girl since a friend of ours is coming by with her ultrasound machine while they are here! They were there when we discovered that I was pregnant with Noah and now we get to be there to see whether they need to buy some pink or blue! What could be more fitting?
Noah is doing very well. After a long adjustment period to the new house and me putting him down awake and letting him cry until he learned to fall asleep on his own (which only took a couple of tries), he now sleeps beautifully. We put him down around 9:00pm and wake him up about 7:30am. Then he sleeps an hour or so in the late morning and anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 hours in the midafternoon. So much better!! Our new pediatrician gave the first advice I got that actually worked for Noah. He is not one of those babies that sleeps 12 hours at night and naps 4 hours a day. He hardly ever sleeps the average time babies his age are supposed to sleep. And he won't likely change that. The doctor explained that, though it would be difficult for a while, we just needed to shift when he sleeps. If I let him sleep too long at night, or in his case, the "average" amount of sleep, he will not get enough daytime sleep. And he needs both. So despite what some of the experts say (like put him to bed at 6:30pm), it just doesn't work for Noah.
Suddenly, Noah is refusing to eat foods that he does not like and only wants to feed himself. The struggle toward freedom and independence has begun. Sigh. The only problem is that he can only manage certain finger foods and even then has only about 20% accuracy. He has just started refusing to eat certain things in the last couple of days. He does not like avocado, raspberries, or baby food broccoli, carrots, and cheese, in case you were wondering. He spits them out, pushes the spoon away, hits the spoon (great messes), and makes terrible faces. He loves sweet potatoes, beans, broccoli, cheese, chicken, green beans, mango, and bananas.
Still no crawling. But what this boy lacks in skill, he makes up for in sheer determination. He rolls, drags, and scoots himself around and is busy looking for trouble most of the time. Why does Mommy always pull this yummy paper out of my mouth.? I just worked really hard pulling that sock off--for the 20th time today--why is she putting it back on? Why does this swing smack me in the forehead when I push it? Babies have such interesting little lives.
Jeremy is working hard and loving his job. This is what I've been doing:
Cooking. And lots of of it! We love having friends over for dinner. Along that line, I started my recipe blog and am working on finally organizing my recipes into a cookbook instead of looking up old emails and documents on the computer!
Have a great week and enjoy kissing January good-bye! How much longer til summer??
*I have a video I've been trying to insert here but can't get it to go? Anyone else had problems since the new editor only has "insert image" but no video?
Just Scrap It!
Digi-scrap that is! I am starting to put together my blog into pages for a book of Noah's first year. I made the first one for free on Hopefully, I'll get more advanced as I go along and get some more materials to use but at least it's a start. That first year will soon be up, you know!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
My grandfather has been taking care of her himself all this time and doing his very best. The man truly must have achieved sainthood by now. Unfortunately, it has gotten to be too much for him to manage. My mom and her sisters had to help him make this decision and I know his heart has to be so torn and broken.
Nanna was vivacious, high-tempered, emotional, devoted, steel-strong, proud, and never met a stranger. Now she is a shadow of that woman and the glimpses of the true "Nan" are showing through less and less often. She still remembers something of who I am when I talk to her, though not that I have a child or which daughter I belong to, and I am certain that she will very soon forget completely. I can't imagine how frightening this will be for her, when life is so anxious and confusing already. After 65 years of commitment to this woman, I can't fathom how this ending feels for Pop.
It just kicked me in the gut last night. Hard. Suddenly, I realized that there are no more trips to Nanna and Pop's house in Bossier City, no more shopping for school clothes at the mall, swimming at their pool, going out for late-night TCBY runs with Nan, no more sneaking me 20 dollar bills and telling me not to tell Pop. I can't get any of that back. They haven't lived there in several years now so denial must be a powerful thing. Where did it all go?
And so we are saying good-bye. Not physically yet, but in every other sense. Alzheimer's is a horrible, horrible thing. And I'm not there. My family is packing, moving, and distracting both of them this weekend and trying to do all this with their best faces on. I don't envy them one bit but wish I could help anyway. Dealing with sad things in the family is none of our fortes.
But all glory be to God who knows all and does all according to his Good Purpose.
Love you all.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Nine Months Old
First time in his new duck bathtub! It's almost a big boy bath. He loves playing in the water and is just too cute.
Daddy thought Noah might need some Carolina Panthers gear, since Mimi bought him Sooner wear for Christmas.
Noah is not crawling yet, but now that we have some new carpet and an area rug for the living room, it should be no time at all. He is getting on all fours and rocking back and forth. He has just the two bottom front teeth but I'm sure others are soon to follow. Noah eats a lot of the foods we eat now. He is still quite the Mama's boy! He also started waving but doesn't seem to know exactly why you are supposed to wave. These days, Noah is addicted to Sesame Street songs. He loves any type of music but is absolutely glued to the monitor when we play Jason Mraz or Feist on Sesame Street. (Does anyone know who this Feist woman is in real life?) The best part is that the grownups can enjoy these songs too. :) Jeremy bought him an Elmo's Favorite Hits Countdown (something like that) and he also enjoys this unless they stop singing. He yells at them when they talk.
I completely stopped breastfeeding when we moved into the house, though I have been cutting back since we moved here. I have been mixing my reserves of breastmilk with formula and stretching it out. It has definitely simplified and made life more comfortable and though I occassionally feel a little sentimental about it, I am glad to be done. 9 months into this mom thing and I am still definitely "not granola!"
Noah weighed in at 17 pounds, 14 ounces at his 9-month checkup and was 28.5 inches long. We are moving on up to Cruisers size 3 now! He is growing right along. In fact, its time for me to start thinking about his first birthday, since it is less than 3 months away. I think we will go back to Texas so that we can celebrate with family, just not sure where I'm going to have the party. I'd like to do something sort of central, so that everyone doesn't have to drive super far. We will see. I also have to come up with a theme. It seems like he's not old enough to plan his first birthday party but it is literally just around the corner!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I Heart My Blog
And now I have a cool blog header, my very first! I made it on with the help of my sweet cousin Allison, who entertained her children with Sesame Street and worked around her plumber to help me figure it out! Thanks Alli!
Check it out!
Monday, January 4, 2010
A Sweet Place

Master bedroom.

Master bath. Can't see the jacuzzi tub with cool glass door though.

Backyard. (Minus swingset.)

Not pictured is the dining room, front living room, powder room, three bedrooms, and guest bathroom. We have many plans and a lot of work cut out for us. We did a ton while our parents were here, including Jeremy's mom painting the guest bath, and his dad doing lots of electrical work. Now we have painters coming in for the next 2 weeks to repaint almost every surface (everything is dirty, scuffed, poorly painted, etc.) and we're having the three extra bedrooms re-carpeted. Yikes. Soon, we will have a comfortable, liveable house! And maybe someday the snow will melt, but not this week. Wind chill is in the single digits!
Can't wait to post 'before and after' pictures!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Merry Christmas 2009
My parents and brother braved the "Storm of the Century" to drive from Paris, TX to visit us for Christmas. It took them a little longer than anticipated but they arrived safely two days later and stayed with us December 20-24. Jeremy's parents flew up and stayed with us December 26-31. Having just moved into the new house, there was much to do and we worked everyone to death unpacking, cleaning, organizing, and baby-bouncing. :) More to come about the move-in later! It was so good to be with family again and we miss them dearly! Somehow I did not take enough pictures! I sadly did not get any of Noah with my family.
Noah had a great first Christmas and was blessed with many books and toys. Some of them are being put away until he gets tired of his current favorites. For his birthday, we will just request clothes. :) His favorite things seem to be the My Pal Scout dog, Busy Ball Popper, and Leap Frog Spin and Sing Alphabet Zoo. It's interesting to see what holds his attention and how accurate my predictions were in choosing what he would like!
Presents, presents, presents! We are very blessed!
My mom and I made a big Christmas dinner and Noah got to eat almost everything we made: turkey, sweet potato and apples, green beans, and cranberry sauce.
I pray that you all had a joyous Christmas and were as blessed as our family was this year! We wish that "The God of all hope fill you with all joy and peace..." in 2010!