Anyway, back to our little Christmas celebration. It was pretty quiet this year, with just the 5 of us here. I forgot to upload all the pictures from my mom's camera, and since I rely on her so much for photo taking, I don't have quite so many. But here goes.
My nativity scene. Not sure if I've ever posted this before, but it might be one of the coolest things I own. Someone brought it back from Africa to my great-grandmother, who gave it to me when I was a baby.
Noah playing with his wooden shape sorter I got from FAO Schwarz.
This shot is here so you can fully view the Christmas PJs that we picked up at the outlet mall in Round Rock. It's supposed to be Santa, not Mr. Incredible.
Trying desperately to get some good shots in the Santa suit.
Proof that my mom was here. Just a hand though.
What are we doing, Mom? It's cold outside!
First Spritz cookie! Think he liked it.
Of course, we took my parents out to see the lights at the Greenbrier. Beautiful!

Noah received a size 2T tuxedo from his great-aunt Brenda and great-uncle Tony for his birthday and we needed an occasion to dress him in it. We thought he'd fit right in at the Greenbrier.
Noah received a size 2T tuxedo from his great-aunt Brenda and great-uncle Tony for his birthday and we needed an occasion to dress him in it. We thought he'd fit right in at the Greenbrier.
Noah and his Papa.
He learned to say "Pop Pa!" while he was here and laughed everytime Papa answered him. He finally understands that the big people have names! It is just about the cutest thing ever. Nevermind, that he says "Da Dee" all the time, just not directly to Jeremy. And forget about Mommy or Mama.
So handsome it hurts me!
Where's your nose?
Without all the pictures, it is difficult to narrate! The day after Christmas I took my parents back to the Greenbrier for the bunker tour, lunch at Draper's, and a little shopping. We also did some shopping downtown in Lewisburg, but mostly hung out at the house all week. I did a lot of cooking and dishes it seems! It was so cold that it made getting out not as much fun, especially with Noah. The day Mom and I went shopping it was 21 degrees, with snow flurrying, winds gusting the breath right out of you, and wind chill around 5 degrees. Murder! We did make it over to the Wild Bean for peppermint hot chocolates one morning and went to the toy store, where I spent Noah's Christmas money from his great-aunt Susan, and Mimi bought him his first tractor. The boy is all about the tractors! It's so cute when he says it. Sounds sort of like "Dack dur!" I have got to get some videos of him talking. His Mamaw and Papaw gave him a book of farm words for Christmas and I found him, with the page open to the tractors, pointing at them, saying "Tractor, tractor!" over and over. He is putting together puzzles like a pro and Jeremy realized yesterday that Noah is able to pretty much able to identify and say all the farm animals. That Baby Einstein is good for something!
Where's your nose?
I hope that everyone had a blessed Christmas and kept the reason for the season near to their hearts! See you soon!