Friday, December 25, 2009
All I Want For Christmas...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Happy Holidays from the Barclays!
Photos courtesy of Stephanie Judy of Lewisburg. :) Taken outside the Greenbrier Hotel.
P.S. I am not posting any pics of the new house yet because I am paranoid. I want to make sure that it is off the real estate websites before I post them. I will take some before we move in and post them as soon as possible!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Eight Months Old
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Our New Hometown
There was a gang of five deer hanging out at the entrance to our soon-to-be neighborhood. And they weren't afraid of us stopping to look at them at all. I'm guessing someone feeds them there regularly because they were looking at us like, "This show ain't free. Where's the grub?" Too cool. (Oh yeah, sometimes we drive by our new house just for fun...)
This guy was parked outside the furntiture store we visited today. What else can I say?

....Welcome to West Virginia?
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Weekend Review
Saturday, December 5, 2009
You got some smooth moves, baby...
This kid LOVES music and will "dance" to any repetitive sound. Obviously. :)
The really funny part was a few minutes after this when he started singing along. Too bad my camera was full!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
What I Have Learned...
...since moving to West Virginia.
Noah is napping and after that we are headed to Khristina's house to bake muffins for her muffin exchange tomorrow morning. Jeremy laughed at me because I am baking muffins to do a holiday exchange with a bunch of other ladies. So what. I can be a Betty Crocker and a Housewife of Greenbrier Valley (all while residing in a hotel) if I want to. Anyway, I am in the mood to blog it today.
Since moving to the wee town of Lewisburg, I have noted a few, charming things:
*Everybody knows everybody. And their business. Luckily, we don't have a lot of "business" in our lives, but I'm sure something about us has spread like wildfire throughout the town. :)
*We now know a couple of restaurant owners by name and can greet them when we go in to eat at their place. Never thought of that while living in the big D.
*We also know all the stories of why So-and-So does not eat at Such-and-Such-Restaurant. Either the owner dropped the F-bomb and told So-and-So to get the "F" out of his restaurant, or perhaps another owner was jealous of one of her patrons dating the ex and suggested a physical altercation. Seriously.
*You can get anywhere in 5-10 minutes. It's funny how travel distance becomes relative to where you live. The other day Jeremy did not want to accompany me to check out the local Kroger because "it's way over in Ronceverte" (the town next to Lewisburg). It takes about 10 minutes to get there from our hotel.
*Nobody has anywhere important to be. No matter the time of day. Going 10 miles under the speed limit is a regular occurence. This is fine, unless your baby is screaming to get out of the carseat or you are feeling particularly hormonal. In either case, I usually scream profanities at them in my head and resist the urge to ram my CRV into their rear. (Note to self: next time buy a big truck with one of those cattle pushers on the front.) I wonder how long it takes Dallas road rage to fade away?
*Police officers do not have to use a turn signal here. But then, no one else does either. Maybe they just gave up and said, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."
*Maybe its a good thing that everyone drives slowly and leaves 20 yards between them and the car in front of them, since people tend make complete stops before easing into the turning lane, or may stop suddenly and turn without notice.
*People even move slowly in Wal-Mart. I try to get my business done and get out as fast as possible. Maybe I even push the cart a bit fast. One old gentleman today jumped and shouted, "WHOA" as I headed in his direction. I would like to point out that I was at least 6 feet away when he jumped and shouted.
*It is possible to visit Wal-Mart 5 or 6 times a week. Really.
*People in this town are the most warm and welcoming bunch I have ever known, period. We are "just south of the Mason-Dixon line", and it shows.
*God always takes care of us, no matter what Valley he sends us to live in.