I have been back at work for 2 weeks, which has been going very well. Noah has been having fun with his babysitter, Ashley, and her son, Zachary. The whole arrangment has been working extremely well until we found out this weekend that they will be moving back to Michigan very soon due to some difficult circumstances, so now we are scrambling to find a new babysitter. Having to get Noah up, ready, and dropped off somewhere will sure make mornings more complicated. But we'll make the best of it.
Noah is now eating sweet potatoes, carrots, avocado, and bananas. He is beginning to get the hang of eating now. He loved the super sweet bananas but had a hard time settling down for bed afterward, so we will save those for breakfast next time! So far, he has liked everything but seems to have a little trouble with the carrots. Maybe it is the texture, not sure. I started adding a little formula to each bottle to begin the transition. My current plan is to stop breastfeeding completely by 6 months but I have a nice stash of frozen milk to carry him for a while too. (And, honestly, I think it has helped him sleep longer too.) Just when it finally became easier, breastfeeding became even more inconvenient with my work schedule. Noah can actually finish nursing in less than 30 minutes now! Sometimes it only takes 20, if he's not fighting with me too much! It's a little stressful with all the planning and preparing I have to do for my work days.
We weaned Noah off his 2:00am feeding and he can now make it from 7:00pm to 5:00 or 6:00am. Not that I don't have to get up and give him his pacifier or rock him back to sleep some. Night wakings have become a problem the last couple of nights. I'm praying its just a short phase and we will soon be able to actually enjoy the loss of that feeding! Naps are still only 30 minutes to an hour, 3 times a day. I know the pediatrician wasn't worried about it but Noah's mommy would really like it if he would take a couple of 2 hour naps everyday!!
Noah is able to roll from his back to his side now. Pretty soon he'll be flipping over onto that tummy! If I leave him laying on the floor, I sometimes come back to find him facing 90 degrees in the other direction. He tries so hard to sit up and to crawl. I'm sure that strong will and determination will get him there soon. Wonder where he gets that from? ;) His excited squeals, shrieks, and belly laughs are too cute.
Lots of traveling! Last weekend we visited Mamaw and Papaw in Wichita Falls and Noah traveled well and slept great. We are excited about our trip to Tulsa and Arkansas coming up this week. A little nervous, but hopeful it will go well. It will be Noah's first plane ride. Any tips? I'm concerned about feeding him and how in the world we're going to be able to check enough baggage to get all his stuff there. Another post to come about that one!
Happy boy!

Yummy sweet potatoes!