Then Noah just lost his coping skills this week. Or something. After 2 nights of him crying for 2 hours, rocking, crying inconsolably, until he finally wore himself out and stayed asleep, it was clear that he needed us to do something else. (Not to mention that he slept a fabulous 8 hours after all this crying.)
My new books finally arrived this week. Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth and Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems by Richard Ferber. I especially like the Weissbluth book. (Thanks, Kerry!) It explains everything without telling you which of the various methods are right for you. Every pregnant woman needs to study this! I only read through a borrowed copy briefly before Noah was born, but at least I had some forethought of what might go on. Sleep is a terribly complicated thing it seems and most infants need help learning how to do it properly. Otherwise, you just endure months or years of sleep problems.
Anyway, we started with the Ferber method last night and Noah cried for an hour and a half before finally wearing himself out. We checked on him at 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes, and then every 10 minutes. It only took 45 minutes for his morning nap today. It is the hardest thing ever though. I picked him up a few times last night (even though you aren't supposed to) just to calm him a bit. Sigh. We got through it. Of course, last night I dreamed that 2 people made CPS reports on me because they said Noah had injuries resulting from abuse.
Last weekend, Noah had some firsts! He went to the church nursery for the first time and went to a restaurant for the first time. We went out to Blue Goose with my family to celebrate our upcoming birthdays. He did great with both!
I am very excited that Jeremy and I are celebrating our birthday this weekend! We're going to dinner at Cuba Libre and spending the night at the Adolphus Hotel in downtown Dallas. Jeremy's parents are staying the night with Noah, which I am feeling guilty about since we just started the sleep training stuff. But it should be fun and I can't even imagine what a whole uninterrupted night of sleep will be like! I am packing the Benadryl just in case. :) Oh, and Saturday morning, Noah and his cousins are having their pictures made together to celebrate Mamaw's birthday that day.
Lots to blog about! We visited the pediatrician yesterday for a little diarrhea check (he is fine) and now weighs right at 14 pounds. Latest pics:

The product of a good night's sleep ;)