Well, I must apologize to all my blog stalkers for taking so long to get an update in. I never imagined how busy we would be! One baby can certainly keep three adults on their toes. For some reason I thought there would tons of time just laying around the hospital for things such as email and blogging. Turns out it doesn't work that way! Anyway, onto the important stuff!
We ended up staying at the hospital an extra day because I was having a few issues. We came home Tuesday, April 14. There was really only one day that I was rethinking my c-section decision because there was some trouble getting my medication adjusted. After that the main problem was just exhaustion and breastfeeding. We were only getting about two hours of good sleep a night and not finding time for naps between all the hospital staff and visitors. And then my milk came in. After only two days. Milk normally arrives around three to six days after delivery. And my body seems to think that I am the "octomom" because I have been painfully engorged since very early Monday morning. The nurses kept coming in to marvel at my boobs. Yeah, when you have a baby all sense of modesty goes out the window! So right now we are doing the pump-and-feed method until things get back under control, which really stinks. Noah and I were just getting the hang of the nursing business.
Yesterday Noah had his first visit to the pediatrician, Dr. Badaracco. He gained back some of the weight he lost and is back to six pounds, seven ounces. He got shorter, only measuring at 18 inches. :) He also got circumcised. The doctor told us he slept through the procedure (we opted for the ring) but then woke up and screamed the whole way home. It broke my heart. I rocked him and held him for a long time and he eventually seemed to be feeling better.
Jeremy and I are
so in love. We just can't get over how beautiful and perfect our son is. He has the sweetest temperament and is a great sleeper so far. You know that you are smitten when your husband is talking about how cute he is during a 2:00am feeding.
Speaking of husbands, mine totally wins all the awards. He has been the best through this whole thing. He admitted that he has done a lot of things he never imagined over the past week. How many men are willing to clean up meconium diapers, help their wife take a shower, use the bathroom, change her underpinnings, pump when her breasts are making her cry, and is happy about getting up in the night to feed the baby? And somewhere he found some patience, which is definitely out of the ordinary! :) I love you and could not have made it without you.
Everything has settled down and we are glad to be at home with our moms taking turns helping out and our friends bringing meals over. Thank you to everyone for all the emails and comments! I love hearing from you, even if I don't have time to respond to everything! Here are a few more pics:
No, he's not golfing yet. This is just the cutest, too large, going-home-outfit.

One of Noah's awesome nurses, Sherry. We had such a great experience at Medical Center of Lewisville. I was totally blessed to have a bunch of mother hens for nurses!

Easter Sunday. You didn't know that sometimes the Easter Bunny brings babies in baskets?

Sweet face. Everyone who knows Jeremy thinks Noah looks like him and everyone who knows me, sees me in him. We'll just have to wait and see!

His favorite thing to do.